I used to work at a Home Depot and sold that stuff on a regular basis. Works great but here's a few tips: It is NASTY stuff. Don't use indoors or breathe in vapors (obviously). It sticks to everything so be careful what you get it on. Once it's dry you can cut or sand it off. Don't try to wipe it to get it off while wet. A little goes a LONG way. Those cans are one-time use. Once the stuff dries in tube/nozzle it's done. Get the Red or Black cans. Red is regular, black is for 'big' gaps. Don't use the blue (doors and windows) as Kyle mentioned below. Orange cans are fire retardant - no need for that.
Your right dude. As a carpenter I occasionally use that stuff to insulate around an exterior door or fill gaps and that stuff can be pretty wild. I always manage to get some on me and it takes a week or longer to get off!
I took spray foam insulation to the inside of my Summit to deaden the sound, the new ones already have it in there but I'm too cheap to buy a new stand when I can upgrade myself
I'm not sure I understand how to get the spray foam in there. Are you doing it to both sections? Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk 2
Bow Hunting Massachusetts: Summit Viper Climbing Stand Modifications I posted an article on all the stand modifications I picked up from various websites. This one is specifically for the summit viper stand but applies to most if not all climbers.
Zombie thread!! Since this thread I have re wrapped the cables. Bought a new seat at cabelas in the bargain cave and I started using a small bungee to hold them together when hiking in. A lot quicker than using the rope. That rope is important though so don't cut it off. When you get both halves on the tree you tie te bottom one to the top with as much length as possible. Just in case you happen to lose the bottom platform it can't fall down the tree.
Get the stabilizer straps from thirdhandarchery. They are wonderful!! They take the place of that rope, and make it super sturdy when locked in on tree.
I have been using my Lone Wolf handclimber since 2009 with zero mods other than I added padded back pack straps (cheapo Allen brand I bought when I bought the stand). I did just order some Stealth Strips because Friday night packing up I noticed how loud it sounds when I putting the stand together to pack out. Also sometimes my back pack carabiner "tings" when walking so those should help quiet it down.