I've been wanting to give these a go for a while and I got some nocks and inserts in the other day. I glued the classic index nocks onto the inserts and pushed them into my Heritage arrows. I tell you what they sure do make a big difference on the noise factor, sure are quiet coming off the string and excellent arrow flight!. No more sanding nocks for me, I'm sold on the inserts!
Can't really see them are they pressure fitted index nocks like a Mercury, or still a snap on type like Bohning classics?
Ryan, I glued the classic index nock onto the insert adapter with a dab of super glue. It says your supposed to glue them into the shaft but they fit fairly snug enough to keep them in the shaft with no problems, except one shaft, to loose. I would rather not glue them in if possible so I'm looking into something that a bit "tacky/sticky" to try out. I just don't like the snap on nocks that come with the CX Geritage arrows. I guess I could try different pressure type nock but I really like the index nocks the best! Since they really don't "snap" on the string its quieter coming off the string and I'll get better flight. I now shoot the same nocks on my woodies and carbon arrows from the same bows with no problems. I like to keep it all uniform, it just seems easier to me.
Joe. You can use a plastic baggie for the shaft, just place the baggie over the end of the shaft and push the adater in then strip the baggie down the shaft and burn off any strips with a lighter. This way you can still twist them for feather alignment and if you break a nock they will be easily replaced without havin to break a glue hold.
A baggy!!! I have some nocks I bought that were supposed to fit my Gold Tips but were too loose.. I wonder if a baggy would fix them?? woodsman
I may give these a go myself , i just sanded 12 nocks down . What a pain in the arse that is , i'm all for making life easy for myself . Classics for my next arrows me thinks .
Thanks Joe. Great pic. My longbow has a skinny string & the CX nocks fit great. BUT my recurve has a normal string & I think these would be PERFECT.