Hello I am looking for a first bow for my six year old daughter that will not break the bank if she ends up not liking it but would work well for her to learn. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Take a look in Bass Pro they have a good selection of lower priced starter bows your bound to find something suitable
For a 6 year old and a bow that is light and easy to adjust as she grows I would go with the Diamond Atomic. The bow is easily managed by a small shooter and easier to work on. If you need help getting one I can get you one for 10% off for being a member of this forum. Email me at [email protected]. Thank you, Frank Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Try and find a used Diamond Archery "Diamond Edge" with 60 pound limbs. Pull can be set from 7 pounds to 60 pounds. (when maxed out mine scales 62.5 pounds.) Draw length can be set from either 15 or 17 inches to 30 inches in half inch intervals. In short, the bow can be adjusted as she grows and gets stronger, so you won't need to replace it. The Diamond "Edge" and "Edge SB1" is also a viable option. They are an updated version of the "Diamond Edge". Maximum draw on them is 70 pounds. Minimum draw is 5 or 7 pounds, depending on which you get. I bought a used "Edge SB1" for my nephew, age 11 at the time, for $250(?) with everything needed for him to shoot it. Again, the bow will last a "lifetime", since it has such a wide range of adjustment for length of pull and draw weight. In addition, the pull weight is not dependent on the draw length. My bow ("Diamond Edge") is set for a (scaled) 62.5 pound draw at a 23 inch draw. (I'm deformed) I think I paid $175 for mine, complete with quiver, sights, whisker buscuit rest (since upgraded to a limb driven drop-away rest) 6 arrows, a decent trigger release ... everything needed to shoot it. These bows are smooth drawing and accurate. I don't know your budget. I believe both the Edge and Edge SB1 are under/around $500 new, which is "inexpensive" compared to most compound bows.