What do you guys to be scent free when checking your cams?? How often do you check your cams?? What time of day do you check your cams?? Are your cams near your tree stands, or areas where you plan on hunting?? Last year was my very first summer with a trail cam. I put it out the beginning of June and had it out all the way till bow season started. I did place my camera in an area where I planned on hunting. I checked my camera between 1-3 P.M. every two weeks and I would have close to 300 hundred pics every time. I had 6 respectable bucks that I had pics of that I would take in a heartbeat. Well, once hunting season rolled around I didn't see a single one of the bucks I planned on shooting. So, This last Tuesday I put my camera out in an area where I do not plan on hunting and I will be checking it once a month. I will still be checking it around 1-3 in the afternoon since this is my only time im free. Also, I plan on taking my scent control very seriously(spraying down, wearing gloves, ect...) Is there anything that I should do different?? Checking the camera once a month will be my toughest obstacle!!
I also use cams. I have six and they are all near areas I plan on hunting. Maybe not right on the stand but close by. I sometimes place them on a trail that is heading toward a stand location or a fence crossing near a stand. I also check them near noon time every two to three weeks.
Are your cams near your tree stands, or areas where you plan on hunting?? Both my cams are set up in areas I plan to hunt. I hunt mostly with a climber so I have some mobility here.[/quote][/quote] Do you see most of the deer that you get pics of during the summer?