I did in fact Round UP/weed kill everything both in 06 and this year. Clover loves to be mowed, nipped when young like that. It will only make it come back stronger as I understand it. And usually, the clovers will over take the weeds. Do mow them to keep the weeds down. Also, although it's not cheap, there is a spray that will kill weeds but not the clover. I mowed this time with my deck all the way up. Next time I'll likely use the landowners tractor and finish mower which can be set higher than mine. My discs are called King Kutters. I bought them at Tractor Supply. The only downfall, they are not heavy enough when it's dry and hard and I usually add weight to them in form of blocks or bags of dirt. I like to disc when it's wet to really tear it up. It would be nice if they adjusted open more. They really "plow" when turning. Here's a little video of them in action. Discing Food Plot VIDEO:
At this point my clover is lower in height that the grass. So I may have to wait awhile to do a cut. Also, do you know the name of the weed killer that won't kill the clover ? Just would hate to put something down that kills all our work. It is coming in better than I expected, but had I used some week killer after we plowed, it would only be better in my opinion.
It won't matter if the grasses are higher than the grass, mow it a few inches below the top of the clover and it will come back thicker. When the clover is flowering, that is the time to mow it. You will knock the flowering tops off, and then the seeds in those tops will germinate and grow more clover. The clover will thicken up and choke the grasses out. You should plan to mow about 2-3 times a year. Where in NE PA are you located? I have 130 acres in Bradford County, PA, and Rob is just a bit south of my place. Just curious where you are located........
I am actually located in a town called North East, which is a town in Erie County, in the Northwest Part of the state. I am 10 minutes from the GTG that was held last year that Rob came too.
Before you guys go spending big $$$ on your plots, try the mowing first. Usually after the second mowing of the year, they are beautiful and almost 100% clover. I've never sprayed clover plots, just mowed.......and they end up looking like this:
I haven't either (sprayed that is). As long as we have ample amounts of rain, we get GREAT growth especially after the first cut in our Rye/Clover plot.
I have not spray clovers either, just mowed. The key is to keep the weeds from going to seed etc... is that right Matt? (RJ).
im sorry guys but i have a major newbie question...when you say mow the grass. wont that just cut the clover as well?
Chances are, yes somewhat but clovers like to be nipped/mowed/cut. It makes them come back stronger. And, mostly we're talking when the clovers are young and the grasses/weeds are higher than the clovers. Once the clovers are high, chances are they've choked out all the other grasses/weeds and at that point, don't need mowed although, it doesn't hurt. Think about farmers and alphalpha, they get several cuts off a year, it just keeps growing.
Another newbie question, I assume that you set the mower just a little above the clover ? I went over today and in a couple of areas the grass is coming in thick and about a foot tall..but in that little area it is pretty wet. All in all, it looks to be coming in quite well.
Looks great Rob! I wish our land up here wasn't so heavy that way we could use an ATV disc like yours. We tried a pull behind like that and it was just a little tickle!