More land to hunt!!! :D My lot is outlined in you should see on the map. The land I just received permission to hunt is outlined in blue. I basically just have to walk down my woods, cross a couple neighbors' lands, and be where I need to be (without driving). I've seen 3 nice bucks in the area and I'm hoping they at least pass through there. Alot of the deer I've been seeing are hanging down near the field edge where the creek runs. I've been wanting to ask the elderly gentleman for permission for some time but can never catch him outside. Well, this morning I was coming home from the nightshift and saw him outside. I introduced myself and asked if I could bowhunt only. He said yes. So I gave him all my info and offered to help him with anything he needed help with. Didn't get written permission, just verbal. Guess that's okay? I felt pretty good when he said yes only because my neighbor had already asked him years ago if he could bowhunt the land and the landowner said no. I'm not going to tell my neighbor I receieved permission to hunt it. I don't want a lot of people asking him for permission just because I got it. I might be a little selfish but I won't jeopardize such good land especially since its close proximity to my house. See any spots you guys would start?
HUGE news that is awesome. Obviously the funnel to the west and where the two creeks come together as the pinch dumps into the woods as the funnel drops to the south.
CONGRATS!!!!!! The futures looking good for Team 8 First thing I seen was that pinch point between the creeks.
Thanks guys! Not much steep terrain on the new land I got but there sure is some a stone's throw away.
some guys get all the luck right?? congrats... I'm still searchin for some land for next season... hope i can find somethin like that...
As everyone else said, the pinch point looks like a great spot to start. Congrats on getting permission, awesome looking place!
awesome just need to make sure do the little things as already mentioned and will have you a little paradise close to home
Congrat's Hope you get a good one out of it. By the way don't say a word to any of your buddies around there because you know they will be a knocking.
Congrats on the new property. I see a lot of potential there, you definitely scored a good patch of land to hunt.
congrats on the land.. but i would still try to get written permission.. even if you fill out the paper an jus let him sign it.. here in maryland if on private land ya must have written permission if stoped by dnr.. verbal wouldnt be good enough
Thanks guys! I just looked it up and it appears you MUST have written permission if the land is posted which his is not. So I should be good but I might go ahead and get written permission just in case. From the VGIF site