Well that's a little weird. Your right about peta they are at the opposite side of that weird scale.:d
Screw PETA if they can't take a joke! Cool/ORIGINAL bike! Sure makes pocket books and boots look pretty simple, aye?!!!
Captain Hook would run the other way!!! Not something I would ride, but impressive non the less. Cool./
Man, if you drove that thing in California the chances of getting paint balled would be fantastic!!! :D
I like the little legs. Ok, one of you bike riders need to do one up with a big buck. On each side of the wheels(top one side bottom the other)needs to be a peg with a bearing that would slip into the side of the deer hoof. That way it would look like it was running it ass off going down the road!
PT you'll look good crusing to the GTG on that baby. Just don't ride it to the range that gator target may get shot!