I got mine in the mail yesterday. Checkout my review here. In short, it's awesome. http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?t=15743
A short video look also. Overall good mount for those that film themselves and don't have enough room like me for a large set up. Minimal vibration on my bow the Bowtech General which as far as quiet and shock I would compare to ANY other bow out there for stealth. So I would assume this is as good as it would get at least attached to the riser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzJnFTH4BC8
Very nice; thanks for the time you put into this! What editing program did you use to put your video together with?
That is Corel VideoStudio 12 and I enjoyed doing it. It should be a slick setup for those that need to go light and want a little footage.
I'd like to see your guys videos when you get them. I might have to consider this next year, I don't have a video cam yet or I would try it out.
Tribal - thanks for the honest review. I really like the way your video turned out, the vibration and sound were minimal. How did you feel about shooting with the mount attached? Did it seem to affect your shot at all? Another angle that I've seen is having one mount with the camera facing the hunter and a second one facing the shot. One attached to the upper riser and one on the lower riser. Thanks again for your review and happy hunting!
One more quick observation... and this goes for anyone who hopes to capture a good self recorded hunt - use lighted arrow nocks. I like personally like Easton Tracer Nocks but they seem to be out of stock everywhere. Does anyone know if Easton has discontinued them??? At any rate... I just ordered some Nocturnal nocks so we'll see how they work.
Your surely welcome. I enjoyed doing it and I really like the mount. To answer your question about the effect on the shot. I went to qualify for a sharpshooter for a local bowhunting organization that I am a member of. They control the metro and or city deer that become overpopulated and can be in close proximety to houses. Thus the sharpshooter status. It makes certain city councils feel a little better about releasing a arrow in city limits. lol Even though I know guys that can shot a quarter all day long but a deer in front of them makes them nearly fall out of the tree. Anyway I arrived to qualify for my yearly proficiency test and my camera was still on the mount on my bow. All 6 arrows were in the 4inch circle including a Robin hood. So for me personally it effected my shots ZERO. And that is with minimal practice with this mount and camera on. I shot in all honestly about 18 arrows total since I had the mount on camera on. I just did not have the time, my test was yesterday the day after I made this review and my orientation with the city is tommorrow evening. I just did not have the time in these few days to shoot like I normally do. Again keep up the great customer service and the quick turn around. It keeps everyone happy. Good luck with your product I feel it will be something many hunters will find useful.
I've got the mount and the camera and heading to the woods this weekend to use it for the first time!
Ordered mine yesterday. Can't wait to try it out. Where is everyone finding the best place to mount it for filming?
Well, I just got back from my mule deer hunt in South Dakota and wanted to post some footage I got while using the InsaneArchery Camera Mount. The video can be seen at http://www.insanearchery.com/videos.html. This video was actually the culmination of a 90 minute stalking video. As you can see the weather was really nasty, but it was an excellent hunt! Unfortunately because of the weather conditions I decided not to use the HD camera - big mistake!! Now that I have the Kodak PlaySport water proof camera... weather won't be an issue next time.