Does anyone have any hunting experience around the areas of Twin Lakes, Leadville, and Buena Vista. This includes units 48,49, and 481. My family just bought a cabin in the area and they are tough areas to draw but the hunting is supposed to be pretty good. Does anyone know anything about the area in terms of the local hunting? Thanks!
This kind of triggered a lot of people the mission place. Jagex tried to refuse include a copy important NPC's goal.
I've never hunted those areas but I've spent a bit of time around the Leadville and Twin Lakes areas fishing and hiking and camping. I know that you can draw an elk tag fairly easy for areas 48 and 481 as it doesn't take any Preference Points but for area 49 it requires 2 Preference Points to draw an elk tag. We've always seen quite a few elk, usually pretty large herds, north and west of Leadville and northwest of Twin Lakes Reservoir. My brother and I hiked The Colorado Trail through those areas and saw lots of elk and mule deer. It is high mountainous area, 10,000 ft. plus, with a number of 12,000 to 14,000 ft. peaks in the area. A number of wilderness areas are close by too. We've also seen a number of black bears there during our ventures. The fishing is fabulous by the way.