I'm due for a free upgrade from Sprint and I usually don't worry about anything except a phone's ability to make a call. I sent the first text of my life this past deer season so I'm not real in the know about the latest technology. So, how well does cell phone GPS work? Is it worth it? I have good coverage at my lease so thats not an issue. Should I just buy a Garmin e-trex for $99. I was thinking of getting a new Instinct from Sprint. It will be free, how much can I expect to pay for the plan?
Honestly if you just want to get in and out and storing multiple way points isn't your top concern. I'd recommend the Bushnell Backtrack. I have the etrex and opt to carry the backtrack for most day trips. I plan to do a full review on it when time allows. It only stores 3 way points but it's compass-like size makes it much more convienant. It sells for like $50
I have a cheaper GPS unit as well. All it displays are points that I have marked and a little triangle icon to help guide me. It seems to be all I need. But in reality I would love to have a GPS unit that displayed topo lines.
It's a little bit more pricey but this is the one I have and its #2 on the list of must have's for me. I wouldn't trade it for anything. You can find them cheaper with a little searching. I actually got mine through an ebay store for about half the price of the garmin site.