How long do you think it will take for deer to return to normal after cattle leave a pasture? My neighbor just moved the cattle off of his land that I have permission to hunt, and I would like to hunt there soon. Earlier this summer I saw a 180-class droptine buck twice, each time only 100 yards from one of my stands
Cattle are horrible in terms of grazing the natural browse that deer like too. Near our farm, there are a few small-scale cattle farms where you can see for hundreds of yards through the woods because the cattle have decimated everything to the ground. I wouldn't say you should not hunt it if you have good reason to, just saying cattle are very damaging to deer habitat. The natural forage and plants in the seedbed will regenerate, and "fill-in" the landscape, but only if the cattle don't graze there for a couple years. Good luck getting on that big buck!
Thanks. The cattle are there on and off through the year, they just happen to be gone during deer season this year. Im thinking the deer are just using this land as a travel route to get to a large bean field. Where my stand is, it is a creek bed that leads to a pond, with pasture above.