State your hurricane experience , ever been in the eye! Sent from my iPad using Forums
Hurricane Iris in 2001, I was in Belize. Hunkered down and rode it out in Belize City. Being from Oklahoma, I prefer tornadoes over hurricanes.
Was in north Carolina Hurricane Florence until Tuesday when were evacuated early a.m. fortunate enough to make it out in time. Praying for those who have lost everything and those that have passed. Very scary
Here in Texas I've been through Rita, ike, Humberto and Harvey last year. Each were all very different. All within the last 15 years give or take. Rita was a terrible wind storm ike - was devastating to our communities and they called it the 100 year storm due to all the storm surge Humberto- was a weak category 1 that formed over night and just had a little wind damage. Harvey- was ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING and people are still recovering in a lot of spots. They call it the "500 year storm" just at my house alone was roughly 51" of rain in 3 day period.