Ok... I need to get a case for my bow. The question is, hard or soft? I like the protection that a hard case offers, and things seem to be more organized and locked into place in them. BUT... after talking to my brother and a couple of buddies, they swear that a soft case is better. Takes up less space, is easier to pack when loading the truck, etc... So my question is this... which do you prefer and why?
Hardcase provides so much more protection and if your gonna fly anywhere spend the cash and buy one that will work on the airlines. I really like my SKB
If you're ever going to fly with it get a good hard case (SKB). If I need a case I use a hard case, otherwise I don't need one...
Slick, this is almost nothing but a personal choice. I prefer a hard case for just two reasons. First, if I am going to fly any where with my bow, I have to have it, so I went ahead and got it. Second, I have between $1200 & $1400 in that case. Can I really trust a soft case to protect it? With that being said, I do like soft cases, like those by Lakewood. I agree that soft cases are nices as far as taking up less room in the truck and amount of weight. I just don't know that those advantages make up for the protection the hard case provides, as well as being able to load it on a plane. I have always liked SKB cases, but could not fit my Katera XL in one. I bought a Vanguard (1st one I have owned) and have been very happy with it. It is about as big as a surf board, but I am able to keep everything I need in there and it is tuff as nails.
slick, I've had both and have chosen a hard case. All it takes is one time for your bow/sight to get damaged or throw off, and then you'll wish you had a hard case. As for hard case I had the traditional one that lays on it side, and a few yrs ago, I went w/a upright top loading model from Plano. It has 4 latches on top, and you put in from the top. It has 2 rubber arms that you screw down on the limbs to hold it in place. Also included is a small box that sits in the bottom of the case. The lids have arrow holders built into them for both lg/sm dia arrows. There is plenty of room inside to put other stuff. It cost around $100.
Personal opinion. I think soft cases are used to keep rain off your bow on the way to the stand. And if you can't get a little rain on your bow on the way to your stand, why take it out at all? Hard case all the way.
That's the case I use. Although it is rather bulky it holds a lot. I particular like the arrow holders in both lids. I can carry 6 or 8 arrows, I forget which in each lid, one side for hunting broadhead arrows the other lid for field point arrows. I also like the SKB and have one of those also for travel.
well.. based on this thread and my personal thoughts, I'm going with a hard case. Thanks for the replies, guys! I appreciate it
Hard. SKB Compact Bow Case.......I think it cost me about $240 or so. I purchased it around 2003 and it hasn't failed me yet. SPEND THE $$$!!!
You won't ever regret getting a hard case, but at some point you MAY regret getting a soft case. It only takes once to wish you had a hard case.
I don't know if any of you remember seeing my Lakewood case at the G2G last year but I am working on getting a deal for everyone that shows up this year. A deal simular to the deal I had at the G2G last year.
I have both and use each one for different conditions/reasons. Traveling is a good reason for the hard case but during season I use the soft case because it takes up less space and it's easier to strap the soft case to my quad.