I carry here in WI. Back in 2011 Opening day of bow season I had a black bear follow my trail in to the base of my tree smelling and huff growling. I knew he was looking for what he smelled. First bear I have ever seen. Now i get them on trail camera every year. I carry my .40 S&W with 200 grain Buffalo Boar ammo or Bear spray. I know 99.9% of the time i'll never need it so its more of a peace of mind thing. I hate walking in the dark so having somethings helps ease the tension a little for me. I'm getting better though as I found i'm just taking the bear spray the last couple years. I think it depends on where i'm heading to hunt on what I carry. If its pretty far then i'll take the side-arm.
I don't go in anybody's woods without a side arm on me. I carry a Glock 30 .45 cal for concealed carry. I have a S&W EZ Shield 380 I carry when I am out doing tree stand work, planting food plots or checking trail cams. There is a lot of underbrush here in NC and the woods of NC are THICK. We have the Biggest Black Bear in the US, lots of coyote, bobcats, foxes and so on. Also, those 2 legged creatures can be just as dangerous as any wild animal. I don't take chances. I don't believe in luck so I say, "Success Favors the Prepared!" Even when I bow hunt, I carry my side arm. For all the reasons mentioned above and the fact that I never use a flashlight going in or coming out of the woods. The goal is to always be prepared. Maybe that is the military man still in me, but my Dad (Retired Military) instilled this in all of us from a young age. If you can carry, carry EVERY DAY! No matter where you go or what you are doing. Just know the rules of where it is permissible to do so and follow them accordingly.
I like to carry my 22 mag. revolver for the occasional fox or bobcat that may happen by me. The broadheads do way to much damage to the fur. It also doubles as something in case of a 2-legged predator, but that's not a big concern to me.
Where in NY are you? I didn't know we had bobcat and I know sidearms are illegal during bow. But I'm in western. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Southern NY, lots of bobcats around here. The season just closed on the 15th for them. You can hunt or trap them. You just to have them sealed (tagged) by the DEC.
In VT you can carry, concealed or open, while archery hunting. You may not use it to dispatch wounded deer. In NJ you cant carry anywhere for anything, unless you can get an almost unattainable carry permit or you are a police officer.