Going to bone out my deer if i get one, does anyone know if there is a regularion on where you can dispose of the bones, fur and left over carcass in NY
Are you boning it out in the woods or home/camp? Private or public land? If landowner is ur friend or kin, let it lie. If public land, let it lie. Nature will clean up. If landowner doesn't want it lying around, put it in garbage bags and throw it away. The only regulations I know of are for areas where there is chronic wasting disease.
But remember that the ditch next to your friendly neighbor hood rancher is it "in the woods". A couple guys at our last Rod and Gun Club meeting were complaining about that. They were also pretty ticked by the headless carcasses that only had the heads removed and the rest was just left to waste.
You shouldn't ever give a dog a cooked bone. Raw ones can hurt them also, but cooked ones splinter especially bad and can easily kill your dog. Or cost you thousands in vet bills.
Don't throw it over the nearest bridge.. A few years back during slug season here in MN I found 6 or 7 deer carcasses thrown over the bridge down the road from where I hunt. I always hoped they weren't shot illegally.
I Normally take mine to my parents farm and discard on the corner of the property. Coyotes will clean it up in a matter of days. otherwise you can try and throw it away with the trash, but be mindful that you can't tell what's inside. the garbage crew may choose not to pick it. I've had that happen with waterfowl. they saw the feathers and investigated further then left the bags and a nasty note on my door, saying they do not pick up such things. this was in KC, so it may differ from city to city, or what not.
We have an area next to my grandpas camp that we dump ours. It was amusing the day that we found a hind leg bone in his camp driveway.
Do not know about NY. In PA if disposed of on state land they can fine a hunter for littering. Private land is ok
Late to the conversation but in NY you can and I was told to bag the remains and throw them away... But if you build a V with trees you cut down in the woods and dump carcasses in it, its a great yote target range. Just set up at whatever distance you feel comfortable and wait.