How do these arrows hold up for stump shooting? I'm kinda nervous taking my 340 FMJ's out for stump shooting. This never was an Issue with my 2216's, they were plenty durable.
I agree with Jeff, carbons are more durable. You'll never have to worry about bending a carbon arrow! :d I have only busted one carbon stump shooting. I didn't have the insert seated all the way before the super glue dried. When the arrow hit a rock it bent the insert right out of the shaft, more or less my own fault!
Lmao Joe!! The reason I ask Is 3 of the 8 guys that go stump shooting with me have broke their share of carbons while stump shooting. There hitting the same stuff I am. Yet have I saw an arrow hold up as well as my 2216's. Granted I've never saw an FMJ before so we'll see how this goes.
There is one BIG down side to carbons for stump shooting. If you miss and burry it under the leaves or dirt and can't find it, you'll be really PISSED. They are durable as hell though, either striaght or broke never bent. :evil: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You'll love the FMJ 340's steve, i just picked up a dozen. I'd be careful though, even though the carbon is flexible your arrow is still part aluminum. I'd imagine that if you bent it far enough the aluminum would bend and stay bent
I don't know if they're still made by anyone, but as a kid my brother and I shot fiberglass arrows. I don't remember who made them but I'm assuming that they were the predecessor to todays carbon arrows, just a whole lot tougher. We shot anything and everything out of our 45# Shakespeare recurves and I don't remember ever breaking an arrow.