No, over 500 grains is heavy in my book, 450-500 semi-heavy, 375-450 middle of the road, under is heading on the light side and down. This is only my opinion only.
You are going to go broke teaching a new archer archery.... Shooting acc's. I would suggest a low cost alternative to start out.
this site has few, if any debates ..... y'all are pacifists we need some good old barn burner debates
Dude make sure to buy her the best, if your arrows are "better" than hers, well I would not go there For her anything over 400 grains I would consider a "heavy" for her.
So what your saying is, that your telling her what to use/shoot with? :evil: Just wanted clarification.:d
Nope. We were looking at our inventory at the shop to see what arrows we had that would spine well for her. It just so happened we had a 1/2 dozen of those already fletched in the color she wanted, and, not wanting to skimp on arrows, she decided those would work well. I agreed. I treated her the same I do anybody that is looking to get into this sport. I supplied all the information she needed/wanted, and let her make the decision. If I were TELLING her what to shoot, she wouldn't be shooting a Diamond. Just so happens she's got a good head on her shoulders and made some very good decisions. I'm quite proud of the way she went about it, actually. She done good. For the record, she didn't start this thread seriously looking for arrow advice. Jeff was spot on with his statement about Joe Montana's wife jumping on the ESPN forums and asking how to throw a spiral. We were hoping a lively light/fast-heavy/slow debate would erupt, but ya'll didn't bite. Sadly.