I ordered my new bow and now I need arrows. Could someone please help me out. Is aluminum or carbon better or mixture of both?
Ohh, this one is easy! Let me answer it! please...pretty please! Okay... The answer to your question, is....[drumroll] ..... YES! They all work good, they all work bad. Try finding one that you will feel comfortable with shooting.
Just don't ask your husband. He flip flops every year!! No right or wrong answer. But carbon or carbon aluminum mix are more durable than all aluminum. And a bit on the heavy side will be easier to control. Good Luck.
Man....if it were worded correctly.....This thread had SOOOOOOOO much potential....... :punch: Tragic. Ya'll know this is one of my all time most favorite debates.......
I was on the C/A kick last year, this year will be back to straight carbon. It's a preference thing. Many animals have died from both.
OFFICIALLY? I say it don't make a damn hill of beans difference, with 99% of the bows on the market. BUT.......for fun, I like to stand on the fence, relax, and whichever side I fall on is the side I take. :d
Considering your draw length and draw weight... I would suggest a carbon arrow, going heavier (alum or carbon-alum) would all but guarantee that don could out run your arrows
AT least someone gave you a "straight" answer, the rest of these "clowns," well, that's how they act sometimes in the presence of a pretty lady. I'm guessing you're gonna be shooting a lower poundage set-up 55# or under, and with that in mind, I think you want to consider a heavier arrow for hunting, and the Aluminum/Carbon fused type arrow should get you to that happy medium.
I like my arrow weight just like you like Mobow, a little on the heavy side! What is your setup and we can get an idea of what a heavy setup would be for you.
She'll be shooting ACC 3-18's. Ya'll let me down and didn't bite on the light/fast heavy/slow debate.