Is it just me or is it really hard to have the turkeys come to them call. I have had a bunch of turkeys gobble this season but they just wont come to the call
Man, this year has been a little tougher down here because by the 2nd week of season a lot the hens were going off to nest. The single key to being successful is putting yourself where they want to be. Calling a bird to somewhere he doesn't want to go is impossible! Good luck.
My brother and I ran Into this problem a little bit too. My season didn't start until May 15th. Does the later It get make It tougher to call these birds In? Are they not as aggressive being the hens are laying now?
Sort of. When the "turkey rut" is in full swing, they are kind of like a deer in that you can get them to do almost anything. The norm is for the hens to go to the Toms and not for the Tom to go find the hens. So, after the hottest part of the "turkey rut" is over, the tom's expect the hens to come to them and are much much more difficult to call in.
I had ZERO luck calling any in. I had a couple get to about 60 yards and then they hung up and wouldnt get any closer. Oh well there's always next year.
Don't feel like it was only you. The bird I did get, I never made a call to. I roosted him the night before and had an idea of where he would head when he flew down. I got lucky and he did what I expected. I never called one into range this year either.
Yea i missed the opening weekend and i went the next weekend and i hear them gobble but they dont come to the calls. Every morning right of the roost they hit the freshly plowed fields and ALWAYS have hens with them.