I called Russ,(Kanga), saturday night and we BSed for a while. Mostly what we talked about was my trying those Zwickey heads and how they didn't work out for me and how I have a set up that works. The ol' " If it ain't broke don't fix it." thing. So we agreed, I'm shooting well with my 55# bow with 2016 XX78 Super Slams with a 125gr head and three 4" feathers so I need to just leave it alone and enjoy the progress I'm making. So what do I do on Sunday? Make another change, , what else? This time I decided to try shooting three under. I've shot split forever just because I've always shot split. For the longest I thought that was the only way to shoot. I did pretty well after just a few minutes. I'll play around some more but I think I'll be making the change. I like the better target view I have with the arrow closer to my eye and I like the way my draw hand feels with 3 under better than split. After just a few shots, having to adjust the hieght of my aim point, I was shooting nice tight groups out to 20yds. How many of you just have to play around and experiment with something?
I'm guilty! My arrow/broadhead set up that I've used the last 13 years has been great to me. However my curiosity of this EFOC stuff has gotten the better of me so I'm going down this road to give this a try which entitles me to use some new/different arrows that I've never really knew nothing about and still know nothing about. Nothing was broke with my old set up, just experimenting with something that could be possibly better.
See what happens when a guy goes out and gets his Master ticket:d Greg. Playing around with different set up's is the only way your gonna know what works best for you. I have been thinking real hard on switching to 3 under but for some reason after 47 yrs of shooting split I just can't bring myself to do it
I hate changing anything. Sometimes you need to tinker some to get to where you are happy. But typically once I get there, I don't continue to tinker.