Okay, New to the site and really enjoying so far. I this is my first year bow-hunting, and my first year hunting this land. I put my camera out last week and to my surprise I got over 600 pics of these boys!!!!! So, which one should I take if the opportunity presents itself? "No doubt, there will be blood" Which would you take, and why? Also, what do you think the ages and weight of them are. Good luck to everyone here this year....... Not sure if I got One 11, or two 10's, and two 8's, one 6
Being your first year bow hunting, all you have to do is make yourself happy. If your going to try to manage the land then i would go for the 10pt in the 2nd pic with his head down. He is def 4.5 or older and fully mature IMO
Yeah, that's what I was thinking also. I am going to be the only person hunting this land and as I am very inexperienced your suggestions are welcomed. I want to keep deer like this thriving, but not sure how to manage herds. Hell, I know people that if they saw these photos they would go in there and kill them all this year leaving nothing. It really makes me sick. I have never even taken a "true" buck and to see deer like this around hear are few and far between. Thanks for the input that is exactly what I am looking for...
Welcome to bowhunting and welcome to the forums. I hope you get a chance at one of those bucks this fall. I can guarantee you this; it's never as easy with the bow as it is with the camera. Good luck. Blessings.....Pastorjim
welcome aboard; management wise the 10 point, otherwise the 9 point is a nice deer, but could be a stud next season if your area doesn't get too much pressure.
If your going to manage this land for a few years I would suggest a few things. 1. Kill the buck in the 1st, 3rd, and left in the 7th photo,He looks to be 41/2 to 51/2 yrs old and has less potential than the rest. 2. Only kill the 10 point (in pics 2 in middle, 6 on right, and 7 on right,) If you just want to shoot a big buck this season. He is only 31/2 to 41/2 and has tremendous potential to be bigger in the next few years. 3. Kill the 7-8 point buck (in pics 2 on right,4 left,) he's 31/2 to 41/2 and nas no potential. I would cull him. 4. The 9 point in pics 5 and 8. I would give another year just to see if he gets any bigger. 5. The same for the 11 point in pics 6 and 9 on the left. 6. The rest I would not shoot. If you are a seasoned hunter and just starting to bow hunt just have patients. But if you are new to hunting you might want to take 1 good buck or a cull this year, then start a limit on size next year. This just some advice I think might help you to start your management program.
If it were my first, any of them. Get that experience under your belt. You have some nice Bucks and good luck!
Sorry guys email has not been coming to my phone. I want to thank ya'll for your input. I am the only hunter on this property of about 200 acres, but the surrounding properties are hunted by the land owners only no clubs or anything so not sure if these bucks have a chance or not. I am going to take your advice and take the best buck as the opportunity comes along, as I have never shot a single deer with a bow nor any bucks of the quality that all of these have, I am extremely excited for Oct 1st can't wait. Just hope one of these guys will bless me with their presence. Question: How do you tell the age of deer by looking at photos, and how do you recognize a buck from year to year? Any good websites or articles I should read? Please forgive me if these are stupid questions, but I have never had the chance to hunt private land or even think about calling specific deer "mine". As I have only hunted public land until now, I have never had a pleasure this great. Can't bait, feed, place a stand, or camera on pubic land (well not if you want to keep it). Thanks guys, I am such a noob..... P.S. Going to check the cam Monday, post some new pics.
Hear are some links to check out on aging deer: http://www.1atexasdeerhunting.com/bodyagingdeer.htm or wildlifeenterprises.com I got to agree if you only got 2oo acres and never shot any big bucks I would probably take the first big buck that came within bow range. Just remember if you let the little ones walk the will grow to be big ones. Good luck hope you get the biggest buck in your neck of the woods.