I just saw this on another website, and im, not sure if its been brought up here or not yet, but im stunned.... http://deergonewild.com/index.cfm?action=about This is absolutely twisted and sick.
??????????????????????????????? That is all I have to say. Can I have the 5 min of my life back that I wasted looking at that?
And the a-hole is out of illinois also. Here is his info. Anyone want to go down and kick his ass? Hayn, Jarrod [email protected] RR 1 Box 1B Kampsville, Illinois 62053 United States (618) 653-4631
Amazing what you can find if you know how to look on the internet! I have a friend that works for IL DNR. Going to forward Jarrod's info over to him! See what he thinks.
Ferg, on the other site, there were multiple people who called the DNR and complained. He should be behind bars soon.
thats messed up right there..... first off. to do it.....jeesh. 2nd off, to brag about it and not be discretionary about who knows it? The guy is an idiot AND needs to be hit with his truck.... i woulda loved to shoot that buck
Well I posted his name, address, email and phone number. Please feel free to contact him in any fashion you see fit!!!
Im pretty sure its illegal to swerve INTO a deer, on purpose. Hes obviously doing it on purpose. I wonder if he is keeping them as well..theres no way the DNR gives him 300 tags.
Same as those idiots in WI running birds & Deer down with their snowmobiles.... I'm sure they could bring charges against him.
I will look it up but I know for a fact in illinois if you hit a deer with an automobile you are required by law to notify authorities. It is also the decision of the police officer that arrives weather you are able to keep your deer or not. If the officer believed it was intentional they will not allow you to keep it. From what I see and believe I have no doubt that authorities are not notified in any of these incidents.
How much more proof do you need? He built a truck JUST FOR HITTING DEER, he said so himself. He videotapes himself HITTING DEER, and SELLS THEM! What more proof do you need?
300 in a few years, making videos to sell them....this has nothing to do with emotions, its just facts.
I'm with GMMAT on this - what exactly can you prove? As despicable as this is, it's not illegal to hit a deer on the road. But I wish I could forward this to his insurance company. Criminal charges are "beyond a reasonable doubt," but a civil suit is "preponderance of the evidence," and by his own admissions, they would stand a good chance of getting some of their $0.5 mil back. I hope they nail him to the wall -- or run him down.
Reckless driving, improper lane usage, illegal driving lights, shining wildlife. Any of those should stick.
No lights other than stock can be used on a vehicle in IL on public roads. Not even the little LED ones. Crossing a solid yellow line is illegal. Doesn't matter why. If you so much as swerve a bit to shine wildlife, it's illegal. Just hitting stuff because it's on the road isn't an excuse. A driver has a responsibility to AVOID accidents.
I dont care if it is against the law or not, this dude has some serious issues. It is unethical, inhumane, stupid and man I would love to meet this "tough guy" in a dark alley and give him back some of what he has been dishin' out. Someone should build some monster tractor trailer and crash into him at 80mph !!
Watch the sample videos, and if that doesn't convince you that this guy needs sack kicked, then nothing will.
The difference is that he isnt hitting the deer on accident. He is going out and hitting them on purpose---by his own admission Quote: Originally Posted by GMMAT Where are the deer when he hits them? What were those hard surfaced. striped areas built for? Why do ice cutter ships have big blades on the front of them? Remember....leave the emotion out. Compare it to a jogger or bicyclist using the road. Accidently hitting one is one thing but intentionally doig so is wrong. Then again this is Calhoun county................kinda different over there