10 full hunt days 13 day total ......African Plains game RSA Limpoppo Provicne. $1500 Includes. 10 full hunt days Gourmet food and Lodging trackers 1x1 ph Bow or rifle - separate areas for bow Owner is a recurve hunter Vehicles to hutn areas Includes all but air fare. $500 is a Depost for hold Dates for August 13-24,2012 Hunt was a FREF Aucitn Hunt adn the $1000 went to RMEF $500 for Deposit of Hunt Dates and to go to the 3rd animal desired. Dark of the Moon and $500 goes towards the third animal (first warthog and duiker are free) no per inch charge . 51 to 59 inch Kudu. Normal daily rate is $490 per day and great areas to hunt in Limpopo. YOU GET 10 DAYS at $100 PER DAY . One other bowhunter is to be there those dates ( my Schedule will not allow me to attend). Great References available . Other info to be e mailed or faxes to serious Inquieres Alex 970-327-0446
Cancel for what man Once you have decided to get any aim then you should not cancel your hunt that's what i observed from my life.