I have the ability to get a used but almost new G5 Montec sharpening stone for $15. I don’t see any reason why I could not use it for other BH’s unless there is something I am missing. It says in the description that it is specifically designed for the Montec. However, it is just a stone. How can it be for one specific BH? Am I missing something here? Stone: http://www.bowhunting.com/shopping/Products/G5-MONTEC-BROADHEAD-SHARPENER__8022.aspx If it makes a difference I plan on getting the KME sharpener. http://www.bowhunting.com/shopping/Products/KME-BROADHEAD-SHARPENER__83008.aspx
Your missing the fact that Montecs, Snuffers, and Hellraisers (cut on contact 3 blades) are not sharpened at the same angle as other replaceable blade broadheads. You can take the blades off the ferrule and sharpen them on the stone if you have something to hold on to them with.
Their is a company in MI makes these little wheel things just for that purpose. I bought some at the deer show. They have differnet size wheels you one can get the correct angle.
Isn't that what the KME sharpener I referenced above do. http://www.bowhunting.com/shopping/Products/KME-BROADHEAD-SHARPENER__83008.aspx