A discussion over on another forum sparked me to wonder about this (actually the very fact that I was on that forum 'Thumpertalk' is proof I'm in this "situation."). Can you truly have too many hobbies to really enjoy them all? Where do you cross the line of spreading it too thin where you have too many for the time in your life to pursue them? Do you, in a sense, sacrifice pursuing ANY of them to the degree you would want by having too many? I know this may sound sort of like a dumb question, but I'm curious if anyone else is like this. Honestly, I'm a guy who either has ADD, and doesn't realize it, or I'm too curious of a person. I've been interested in such a wide variety of things, and tried to venture into several different hobbies. I feel like if something looks interesting, I NEED to get involved in it. Hunting and fishing have been the only two long term passions of mine (and I don't see hunting EVER not being my major passion...fishing has declined a bit). To give an example, since I was in college (I'm 24), I've gotten into offroading, spent $3500+ on building up a rockcrawler (only to sell it for my current truck), now I'm investing more into hunting and target archery, I'm hoping to get into fly fishing this spring, now that I have a legitimate house with a shop, I'm wanting to start acquiring more wood working tools, and now I'm back in my dirtbike/dual sport craze again. Now, if you look at all of those, you can see a lot of them are either fairly expensive to start out, or can cause quite the investment as you progress. I'm not married right now, but come August I will be. There's NO way I can dedicate the time to all of those, let alone the money. It wouldn't be fair to her. Add in a child someday, and that's a DEFINITE no:d So, is there a point where you just examine what you REALLY enjoy doing, and just stick with that, or is there nothing wrong with having as many hobbies as possible, and just juggling them in whenever you can? I know a few of you simply have hunting as your hobby. You shed hunt, scout, acquire new lands, shoot, and of course schedule all vacation time around it. So, I know there's a least a few here who have adopted an approach where you just have one or two main passions and stick to those, but what is there anyone who is the opposite where you can't seem to find enough time in the day to fit in all of your interests? I suppose this is just me thinking out loud, so if it's silly, feel free to laugh:d The rest of you can offer your thoughts if you wish.
That's WAY too much stuff. I hunt & fish & like guns. 98% of my fishing is split between trout & smallmouths. About 90% of my hunting is bowhunting. I like to hunt small game & predators, but even just adding that to my deer hunting only gets me out a couple times a year if at all. I think bowfishing looks fun, but I like to regular fish too much. I reload for shooting, but I don't get into any benchrest type stuff, I mostly prefer handguns & plinking.
That's what bothers me. Am I just weird?...wait don't answer that Anyways, I don't know why I am like the way I am, but you know the phrase, "Jack of all trades, master of none." I don't ever foresee me having the personality of mastering anything. It's odd. Too many things interest me I suppose.
Sounds like you do have a lot going on all at once. Maybe make a 10 yr plan to get into your other interest. I don't have enough time now for my two hobbies, hunting(archery, rifle/muzzleloader, turkey, predator/vermin hunting, shed hunting, bow fishing) and fishing(Trout, smallmouth/largemouth, stripers, catfish, fly fishing, fly tying, lure making) let alone getting into anything else.
I think this sometimes as well. I hunt, mostly for turkeys. I'm somewhat obsessed. I fish. Mostly out of my kayak. Then I also like to take kayak adventures. I run. ALOT. I trail run. ALOT. I compete in triathlons. I backpack/camp quite often. I really want to get into mountain biking and fly fishing now, but all my other hobbies take up too much of my time/money as it is. You learn to get creative and mix your hobbies together though. Like this past weekend I combined a long trail run with turkey scouting. In 3 weeks, I'm taking a week long backpacking trip into the Gila Wilderness Area, but we will be turkey hunting as well. Oh...I also would like to get into photography...
Yeah, I run as well, just not nearly as much as you:D I do it just to stay in shape (about 3 times a week). I'm also into Photography (which I can easily combine with many of my hobbies like hunting, fishing, and exploring in my truck doing mild offroading...the dual sport would be ideal for the photography I like to do).
If anyone has too many hobbies, it would be me. Hunting, fishing, 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, hiking/camping, basketball, wood and metal working, taxidermy, small engine repair, guitar playing, photography, girlfriend... Im yet to find a hobby that I dont enjoy...
The problem I have is that all of my hobbies kinda happen at the same time. Spring is turkey season. Spring is the best time for fishing. Spring is race season. Spring is the best time to backpack/hike. Spring is the best time to kayak. My weekends during the months of March through May are quite busy, plus I still have to find time to be with my girlfriend. For some reason she doesn't think scouting for turkeys is "quality" time together.
I don't think you can have too many as long as you have your life straight as far as priorities go (family, girlfriend, work, school, etc).. Some things I like to do are deer/turkey/waterfowl hunting, bass and catfishing, riding atv's and dirtbikes, boating, snow skiing, water skiing/knee boarding, wildlife photography, drawing, hiking, food plots and planting things in general, trail cams, basically anything outdoors..
I like to: hunt fish camp sew knit weld (I make art sculptures in my garage) read travel garden study Civil War history write bike motorcycle (Had to sell mine to go to nursing school though. Have to get another one.) walk work out at the Y raquet ball cross country ski anything my daughters are into I get into sing (have sung for many occasions, firemen / policeman funerals, weddings, etc.) I don't think I have ADD. I just love learning & trying new things. I'm never bored. There are too many things to do, see, & learn.
I would be the worlds richest man if I could pursue all of the hobbies that interested me. ATVing- Trail riding, Sport, Mud. Drag racing Diesel Trucks- an absolute ton can be spent here.(so far, I havent spent a dime... just something that interests me.) Hunting Fishing
That's a bit how I look at it. Some of my patients are in a nursing home. Some are like zombies & do nothing all day. I think that would drive me crazy. I have to be doing something to learn & achieve every day. Even if it's reading a book or planting flowers. I just love doing stuff. I see some of these patients who are completely capable of doing something & they slowly turn into vegetables. But, then I see some patients that are in their 80's /90's that are full of life. Learning new skills like computer skills or taking pictures, etc & they are cheerful & so fun to be around. I'd rather keep learning until the last breath I take.
i was thinking the same, and have always thought that way i suppose. if i just liked one thing.... then i could spend more time on/doing it!!!!!!!
You're young...that's what you're suppose to do. It helps keep you out of trouble??? As you get older you will probably weed out some of those naturally or maybe when you get married in Aug. someone might be helping you weed out some of'em:d Anyway I wouldn't worry about it as long as you can afford it.
I have too many full time hobbies. They get in the way of each other. For example, walleye season opens the second of may. Duh, turkey season too. Buddy wants to go golfing. The last 3 years I missed opening week of hunting when I was off salmon fishing. Golf season is coming, as soon as the last of the snow melts, walleyes, and I have to leave for fishing in Canada in June. That's OK, I'll get back and get on track with my golf. I better practice up with the bow too. Just when I start to find my swing I'll be leaving for 10 days in Alaska fly fishing. ..... and it goes on like this all year long. I didn't even get into the 4 wheeler and trout fishing around home and all that. Just no time. I had more time when I worked and only had a couple vices.
Hey Jeff, I wonder if we have ever crossed paths? I played golf for NC State and then turned pro and played some mini tours for a few years. Before all of that, starting at age 4, I played in as many amateur tournaments as I could from Rhode Island down to Florida and over to Alabama.
I know all those guys. Kelly was a freshman ( maybe sophmore) when I was a senior ( I think). I remember most of the guys from Ga. Tech. I think Duval was in the same class as me...just about every time we were paired with Ga. Tech me and David played in the same group. Our team always hung out with Clemson. I lived about 40min from Benvenue and my uncles were members there and at Northgreen...I played Benvenue and Northgreen so many times it's ridiculous. We always LOVED Rocky Mount...The crowds and people were terrific!!! Much larger turnout than even the NCAAs. Man it sure is a small world huh? Anyway, I didn't mean to highjack the thread