Hello everyone, I have a hat that I am looking to wear this year for bow season. it has white on it but is other wise camo. I was just wondering if deer can see white? To be honest i am only 14 and am alittle confused on what colors they can and cant see. Some day they can see blue? Thanks!
I would imagine they can see white. I would think there would be a good reason why their tail makes such a good flag when alarmed.
Mabey, but I see bohod members wearing thing that have white like the bhod logo and they don't get spotted?
Read the whole thing but the last paragraph kind of answers your question about white. Makes me scratch my head when I see blue on bows and now there's blue Carbon Express arrows being advertised... Video: New Study Sheds Light on What Deer See | Outdoor Life
Thank u everyone, but it still doesn't make sense why I see bhod staff wearing white on hats and such but om
In my opinion it is much more about movement and scent than it is about a small patch of one individual color. Like us they are attracted to movement much more so than anything else from a visual aspect. Camo is just really trying to blend and break up a general outline that if they make out they realize some is amiss. Many years ago people wore different colors of flannel or whatever and where still successful while hunting. The basics in my opinion are scent control and minimizing movement to keep deer from busting you. Now there is no way I would go turkey hunting with anything white or blue on a hat as there are too many crazy people that would shoot thinking that my hat was part of a gobblers head.
Stand out in front of a stand at about 20 yards and look up to the stand. you are going to see tree trunk, branches, leaves, and eve so daylight shinning through the canopy. There are all sorts of colors, browns, greens, yellows, whites, light colors, dark colors. That's why they make camo. It blends in with the surrounding area that you are typically hunting from, but the fact of the matter is that you could sit in that stand in a red, white and blue bikini and if you are still, that deer is most likely not going to pay you any attention. They are not generally looking up into the trees, that's not where their predators usually attack from. They will see you move and then look up because they see the motion. My thoughts are, wear whatever you want, the camo is as much for your own personal confidence as it is to hide from the deer.
Dont over think it. Sure they see white. If the white is accompanied by natural white and the white you are wearing does not move at the wrong time, you are good to go. Lots of deer are killed by blue jean wearing hunters. again, dont over think this. Stay as still as you can.
A solid block of any color is something that is not natural in the woods. Blue does radiate differently than other colors and is more easily picked up by a deer's eyes. (and yes, I have killed many deer wearing Levis) Once again, movement is the main issue that a deer picks up. I try to wear a darker camo when I am in the woods and shadows and a lighter camo when on field edges but I really believe that camo patterns are devised for man and his pleasure, not to deceive a deer.
Nope they cant... That's why they're blind in the winter. Joking aside. Yes they can. It's more about you're movement than what color you're wearing. Old timers used to hunt in the black/red flannels and wore whatever they had available to them. They killed plenty of deer.
Deer see white, yellows, and blue most prominently. Red and orange appear in shades of gray to them. One tip: most fabric softeners containing phosphates are designed to make clothes appear brighter to humans. If you wash your hunting clothes in fabric softeners with phosphates you will literally glow in the dark to the deer. One night I was in bed and got up to take a leak. The laundry room is in the bathroom and when I passed the washer it looked like someone poured glow-in-the-dark chemicals in the washer. If your eyes are adjusted and you look at your washer in the dark it will likely be glowing if you use fabric softener.
I wouldn't wear anything white while hunting. They must see it the same way, and as easily, as they do another deer's tail when it's flagging.
I dont' think a little bit of white on your hat is gonna hurt. Vertigo camo is half white, I use it every year and I do OK
Set your clothes in the woods you hunt and step back and see how they look to you. That will gives you an idea how effective the pattern is. I find patterns with white when there is no snow are easier for me to detect movement but thats just me. With good movement control you should be ok.
checking your cami color and shade of color against the area you actually hunt is more important when you hunt from the ground because you're the eye level of game. In Florida I got busted by turkeys because my cami was brown and I was in an area of heavy tropical green foliage. anything but a shade of green really stood out. the area I hunt in the north east is a fairly dark woods so I try for darker shades of cami and leaf suits. were I around more aspen and birch I'd opt for a lighter shade. Also something to break up your outline, either a little brush or downfall in front or behind you is very helpful, though I've had a deer 15-20 feet away just walk by and not detect me when I was sitting in front of a rock with no cover between them and me...just by having my outline broken up, full cami including face and hands, and not moving.