It should probably be here thurs or friday... Thank you again... If there's any left, I might try making a skin for my new phone. Just the back cover though. lol My wife already thinks I'm a hick, so... whatever.
GOT IT!!! Thanks again. Would post pics, but BotoPhucket isn't working right from this comp. They are on my phone.
Some pics. For fun. lighting was killing me. Nothing is that yellow in our house. I swear it! lol. This was taken on our couch pillow. I always thought it looked like camo... I know it's kinda bad. But from a distance you hardly notice. I'm just not sure if I should put the jax back on the other end, or leave it at the base? Blurry yes, But I figure that the animals wont care. Whole bow. pay no attention to the arrow supporting the weight of the bow...or any of the arrows for that matter...This is about the stabilizer. lol. One for fun. Trying out features on my camera/phone...
Do they have someone doing a dip? Has anyone done it to their bow yet??? I would love to see this....
Yup. And the wife took it away... Said I couldn't do my phone with it. lol. I did add some to the String stop though. Since they (BT) neglected to actually put on a carbon rod sts, I camo'd it. XD