I know many of you film your own hunts. I am looking for a used camera to get me started with. Something along the lines of a PD-170. If you have something or run across something please let me know!
I have seen them. Just wanted to see if anyone here knew of any. Would rather go this route and have a real idea of what I would be getting but definetly looking at them!
I have a GL1, got it in 2002, and i love it. I am however going to look into a newer camera in the next couple years, that burns directly to a hard drive or card. The GL1 isn't really any louder than other cameras I've seen, but in the cold still mornings of the fall, it sounds to me like I'm backing an Excavator through the woods. I'm sure its not that bad, but I worry about how far the sound travels. Keep in mind that its never spooked any game, including the pine marten that climbed up my tree in November. And he was only about 18" from the bottom of my stand! Made for great video. Canon makes a great camera, no matter whether its video or stills. There's a reason 95% of the cameras that you'll see on the sidelines of the Super Bowl, will be Canon with Canon lenses.
I think the model I end up with will just depend on the deal I can get. I am going to have to hold off for awhile now cause I just purchased a new cannon rebel SLR camera. But I hipr to get a video camera before next season!
No it is just an SLR camera. I already love the camera but after talking with Justin I am ready to get a more powerful lense already. Got lots of good tips for taking pictures!
Fergus, I have a Panasonic DVX100B with maybe 10 hours on it... PM me if you are interested. Buckey, Bols, and Don will vouch for the camera.
It would be a great starter camera for you Fergus. I know it isn't a PD, but atleast this would get your foot in the door and let you know if this is something you REALLY want to pursue.
Dubbya- definetly interested but I won't be able to afford anything for awhile. How much you want for it?
Dubbya- Looks like I will have a new job in the next few weeks and I believe that my financial situation will drasticly improve. If I have the means by the G2G would you be able to bring the camera with for me to look at?
I just noticed that you have Raceway is my homeboy in your sig tag. I can't believe that I have never noticed that before. Glad to see he is your "home" boy because I was going to see if he wanted to be my pool boy!!!