From when I lived in Montana. I have since moved to Ohio. These are from around 1998. A view out my back door. Heading down the driveway one morning. My past love.
That was a joke. I was making light of the title vs. having a pic of a guy on a snowmobile. Sorry. I assumed it was you though.
Okay. As long as you didn't take offense to that. PS: Why the move? It would take alot to get me to move away from a place like that. Money is no exception.
Well when my mom moved back east, I was the last one left out there. I tried to stick it out, but its not easy being 2000 miles away from every family member.
I was going to ask why the move also but I understand where your coming from. It would be a dream of mine to move out west very, very close to the mountains. A dream Is probably all It will ever be though.
My first duty station was in Okinawa, then I went to NorCal. All of my family is here in MN. Yes, I do understand.
Man, what were you thinking?! Ohio for Montana? you got to be kidding me. buckeye is from that state! that must have been a hard choice leaving that behind. Not many elk/mulies in Ohio I bet.