Is it to early to be using calls or some other form of call, like a doe bleat or fawn call. Grunt call?....does it hurt your chances of seeing deer. What you guys think...i tried grunting a small touch the other night....but i thought to myself that i might have hurt my chances of seeing any deer..? Whats your guys input.
The other morning I was watching a few does in the brush behind my stand and one of the does started bleating or grunting whatever they do, it sounded alot like a young buck grunt, so I tried out my grunt call. As soon as I grunted a couple of times they all started coming in. I was trying to do a self filmed hunt because my brother couldn't make it and I got busted by a doe I didn't even know was there, she must have seen me move the camera arm. Anyways, I don't know if it was just that curiosity that does have, but they came to my grunt call on that morning. The next day I sat in the same spot and saw a couple of young buck walking a fenceline in the woods and heading away from me. I thought I might as well try grunting since they were going the other way, but they just looked and then continued on thier original path. IMO it didn't help nor hurt anything in this situation. I think it just depends on the deer and what is on his/her mind at the time.
My experience has normally been that deer will either ignore the calls or move in for a closer look. Have not had any negative interactions with calls chasing game. One thing I do not like about blind calling. The deer that come in, seem to be more cautions as they are looking for another deer. rather than naturally traveling past you or eating past you. I love calling!