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Calling all trad bowhunters!

Discussion in 'Traditional Archery' started by victoryhunter, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. victoryhunter

    victoryhunter Weekend Warrior

    Mar 10, 2013
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    Pensacola, FL
    Ok, so I want to produce a traditional only bowhunting video. My idea for it is completely different than anything that has been done before though. I want to make a "member" submitted video and by member I mean trad bowhunters who want to film their hunts. I feel it would be a great way to share our hunts with one another and. My reason for wanting to do this is simply because there aren't many hunting videos out there that show regular hunters not to mention ones who hunt with trad gear. I am posting this on a few other trad forums to see how many contributors I can find. The video submissions would need to be in HD along with your name, state, public or private land, and maybe what you are hunting and what gear your are using basically any info you would like to share. Also I would like to see some scenery footage, good recovery footage would be a must, and if at all possible good impact footage as well as footage of the game to be taken prior to the shot. I'm not at all worried about perfect light, or shaky camera footage, or bad sound as long as it is in HD for continuity purposes. The idea is to make a video that shows what it's really like. My role will simply be to edit raw footage, add music, and have the finished product packaged once finished I would send anyone who wanted one a copy "at cost" meaning whatever it cost per unit to produce. I would really like to make this a yearly thing so this years footage would make 2014's video which I would finish in about march. Anyone who is interested in filming please get back to me!This year I have hunts planned for turkey, boar, blacktail, and whitetail! So I'm hoping to get some great footage along with two trad buddies of mine. I also think it would be fun to throw in a small game segment as well as a misses segment! So send it all small game, big game, buck, doe, etc. I don't care as long as it's game taken with trad equipment. Thanks - Tristan
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2013

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