I got my first kill with the new bow! I was out shooting the other evening, and dialing in my sights out to 50 yds. When I got to the 40 yd. bail, something started throwing dirt out of the ground next to the 30 yd. target every time I would try to concentrate. Only when I pulled back, this thing would make an appearance at the surface. It was like it was begging me to get it??? SO, after my third shot, I nocked my fourth, and drew. He did it again. A pocket gopher, popped his head out of the hole, and sat there. So, I put my 30 yd. pin on the bottom of his dirt hole, and squeezed. I walked over to get my arrow, and found it expired, with the arrow skewered. First kill with the bow. And possibly the first animal to meet its demise by an Air Raid, ever... No pics, I didn't have a camera. but I am going to start carrying one with me. That was perfect. Just thought I would share that. I was pretty happy with that shot. lol.
So how long were you holding "Called in the Air Raid" in your pocket, just waiting for the right time to use it? Be honest now. :D
Since I saw the ad... No. I highly doubt that it is still there. But with any luck, there will be another one the next time. I will do a replay.