Anyone else have a no cam? Have any issues? I am hoping this was just a fluke but it definitely has me second guessing the purchase!
I had shot a dozen arrows at the retailers shop with no issue and I pulled it out yesterday to shoot a little and on the 4th arrow, almost to full draw, SNAP!! That was unnerving! don't know what the cause was but they can have it back if I have another issue with it.
It's already back at the retailer and he is contacting Mathews. It really did happen , the break was where the cable connected to the lower pulley ("cam"). There was a loud click in the bow when I was shooting it at the dealers and it freaked both of us out. He looked at it then and didn't see anything. The cable did not come in contact with anything but the bow itself. It jacked up my lower limb and God only what else.
I think I'd start looking for a different shop. Anyone that lets you walk out of the shop with a bow that is making a loud click, needs to be slapped. And to you, I don't recommend walking out of the shop with a brand new bow that makes a loud click... there is something wrong. :D Good luck.