Oh, I could get into your pants. Bwahahaha! Do these have the windstop? I could put them over my pants when riding my atv up into the mountains. Who cares if I look like a pudgy ewok as long as I'm warm.
I'm not home right now. So there. Neener! Went coyote calling but all I called on was a herd of mule deer (right into my lap) and a couple of magpies.
Mule deer are weird. Had a yote run up 20 yards from me yesterday and my gun wouldn't fire. That was annoying beyond words. But no mulies.
I had my AR. I made the mistake of easing the bolt forward instead of just pulling back the charging handle and letting it snap close. So it wasn't all the way closed. I should have brought my shotgun too. What did he shoot the yote with?
Woops, bow, he hit back through the front of the back leg and put about a 4 inch gash on his belly, we tracked him a couple hundred yds up the creek following a blood trail of organs and intestines the entire way before cornering him and me putting a finishing shot on him. I was amazed how far the thing went, he had very literally spilled his guts. lol
It was his first yote so I am tanning him out and doing the skull, then gonna mail em to him. Least he will have something to show for his KS trip lol
Aww, you're sweet to do that. You should have seen my first yote. It was crusty! Out here you can shoot a yote in half and it's still worth $50.00
Wish I could get $50, I have plenty of em. Gonna be a stellar year trapping the kitties I think. THEY ARE THICK
Found a pic. It was much nastier than it looks in this picture. I went to pick it up and it's paw slid out my hand. I looked at my glove, and saw I had a handful of scabs.
Ew, most of the yotes I have been seeing and getting pics of are real nice this year. Ty shot a big male