So I'm watching Shooting USA and they do a segment on this guy. Excuse me if I get the name wrong, I only caught parts of the segment. This guy Byron does a long bow shooting class based off his new concept of shooting. The idea? Don't shoot at objects based off distance!?!? He's shooting based off finger, foot, and shoulder placement. Anyone see this episode or hear of it before? If so, what are your thoughts. Have you tried to apply the concept to a compound bow?
names Byron Ferguson - hes classified - (Badass) legend etc. dont know what his concept is but he can shoot ! Last year at the deer and turkey expo he did his "routine" of shooting all kinds of stuff moving and stationary , impressive ! P.S im pretty sure hes been around doin this FOREVER google him..........
I think he's a gap shooter, I could be wrong though. Hell of a shot he Is, his mechanics and form Is awesome.
Wow.. an actual shooting chat that I can join in on. Although I didn't see the episode.. I know of the training you and Byron speak of. It's the training method I do as well.. and have done for about 3 years now.. maybe 4? Read about it years ago in a magazine somewhere.. talked about a old Olympic coach you once taught the theory. And since I live in the burbs' I decided to give it a shot. Needless to say.. these last 3 or 4 years have been my best in terms of accuracy. And I practice all summer from a solid 5-8 yards in my garage. No more.. no less. And yes.. I shoot a compound.
I found It..... I guess you could call me an instinctive gap shooter. I point the arrow at a gap below the target, not looking at the arrow, just pointing it. With practice this gap doesn't change with distance, making it the ideal method of aiming. It's just as easy as looking at someone's eye and pointing your finger at they're foot.
He really does some amazing stuff on that Shooting USA show, I would kill for an afternoon worth of shooting w/ him.
Duke please explain what you are doing? I understand the practice at close distance for form.Are you using one pin and shooting instinctually?No pins? I am curious to know what your method is?
Yep, I was able to see some of the "shots" Byron could pull off at the IL Deer and Turkey Classic last year. It was pretty amazing. I put "shots" in quotes because it was more like he just flat out did it, rather than attempting it. Duke, you PEAKed my interest as well. :D
I've owned his book and VHS, "Become the Arrow". It was pretty good. Like most great shots, they fall short on how to explain their technique. The video clearly teaches GAP shooting, the book not so much so. Its a good mix of gap and instinctive, mabye gapstinctive He visualizes the trajectory of the arrow, in other words, he becomes the arrow. But he uses GAP until those "gaps" become automatic, or instinctive. I've played around with that approach and it does work pretty well. He shoots heavy bows, so a few yards here and there doesn't mean as much as they guy shooting 50lbs....