I can tell you most of my items will be purcahsed through BH.com. The details and going back and looking through your orders makes it real easy when filing insurance claims
I like to buy stuff from them because those guys that run the place are probably the coolest dudes in the world next to Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Kool-Aid man.
It's a pain in the ass, it appears I have to give up my first born to get my antlerless permit back. I had to call the DNR, then call another number, they send me a form I need to fill out. I need to drive to the closes DNR office for approval.
Are you guys not able to buy them over the counter? I'd probably just get fed up with the whole process and say the hell with it and spend the small amount of money it takes just to get another one.
I still have to pay for them, but area 058 is sold out. So I get to buy it twice They other unit has some left over, I am just buying one.