I am planning on buying a new bow at the end of the season. Do not really have a price limit just want a quit smooth shooting bow. I have a martin now but it is about ten years old. have heard some good things about the Hoyts was wondering if yall had an opinions. Thanks Josiah
i am a new bow hunting buying my first bow thinking about getting a PSE vision.. yes or no or something better for the money thanks
I for sure love my hoyt carbon spyder but hoyt and mathews both make amazing bows an you can't go wrong with either Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Im an Alpine fan. However, I think you are pretty hard pressed to find a bad bow among any of the quality manufacturers. Try finding a place to shoot a few and Im sure one will stick out to you.
Strothers bows are great but a little expensive, looking at one for 2014, gonna get out of my PSE, which I love by the way, good luck looking for what you want.
I shoot Mathews and Love it, Z7 to be exact, Heard a lot of good stuff about the Hoyt Spyder and my buddy loves his Bowtech Destroyer. Like others have said, shoot different bows, if you have the option too, untill you find one that sticks out! Good Luck
Hoyt's are excellent bows, but PSE bows are as well. If you don't mind me asking, what is your price range?
Quiet and Smooth? I'd check out Mathews. Those reasons alone are why I shoot a Mathews. Everyone is different though and with archery and hunting you need to shoot whats best for you. Some great suggestions here, gather as much info from this thread and then go and shoot them and see whats best for you. Good Luck!!!