That's the same one I have. It's a great bow to shoot but it's so pretty I don't know if I want to take it hunting.
Those things are super nice looking, I'm really wanting to upgrade from my 70's Indian archery Seneca. It's just not a pleasure to shoot.
I have an Indian Seneca also. It was given to me free. It is a very elementary/entry level bow. But it is a good starter bow to find out if shooting recurves might be something you'd like to get into.
It's my first recurve, and also the only recurve I have ever shot so I have nothing else to go off of. It just doesn't feel good, not what I was expecting, the thing wants to jump out of my hand on release. Maybe I need to shoot a few higher quality bows before giving up on traditional.
The new bow arrived today. I changed the string and took it out back and shot about 16 arrows. The dang thing is a REAL shooter!!! 20 yards