Well, after deciding it was time to get some new heavy camo, I headed to basspro in search of something in my budget, but warm. I came up with a pretty nice Winchester Parka and Bibs. I really got to liking them. Tried them on and were very toasty, but was a little worried about the chest "poofing out" too far and catching my string. I decided it wasn't a big deal as I have a vest style harness that I could just wear over it instead of under it. Got it home and found that the chest wasn't nearly as bad as the sleeves. I know they make some pretty cheap arm guards, but don't know if I would like them. Anyone have any experience with them or know of any other possible alternatives?
i use a sock.... brown seems to do the trick and longer than most traditional arm guards + added warmth=-)
If your draw length is set-up correctly, you should have a bit of a bend in your arm when you are at full-draw. I have a slightly shorter draw on my bow for that reason. When I have enen the bulkiest of clothes on - I still have a good couple inches of clearence without using anything to help. Check it out - you may want to shorten you draw a little if you are forced to push your arm a little too far forward.
Nope definitely not it. I've got a 6'1" wingspan and a 29" draw length. I used to have this problem at 30", but i have my arm bent pretty sharply as it is. I decided to go with an arm guard after all. Thanks for the advice though fellas.