Jeff, as much as I hate to admit it........its Vanilli. *turns in man card for knowing that bit of trivia.
Hey PreacherTony how about it? Same state, just a county line separates us. What do ya say?? CHUMP!:p
Okay.... am I the only one with the balls to do it.... I am callin out "THE KING".... PA buck vs. PA buck *I can already hear King Nothing from Metallica playing as I take the crown from his head"
Jeff, admitting that you know so much about Milli Vanilli and Barak on a public forum is really telling off on your personal life. Pffft, that is fuuuunnnnny.:D Do you actually wear your towel on your head to the treestand? Or is that only at home? By the way, you may not want to pass the bill's concerning pulling the plug on terminal patients just yet. Yours will likely be one of the first to be pulled. I mean I don't want you to suffer too long for nothing.:D
I don't know guys. Kinfolk? Double 3rd Cousins? Same person, different days of the year? Just seems like a lot of resemblance going on here.:D
Buckmaster, I was actually thinking about you and a challenge awhile, I wear a beard, So a fu-manchu is THE challenge between us. I believe you and I hunt about the same type of deer, where a 100 inch deer is a good deer. Let's also have a 100 inch challenge. So its a two part challenge. 1) No deer down by October 31st, fu-manchu for a week 2) Whoever kills a 100 inch buck --if we both do, it is whoever is first(My best buck is 95 inches, never killed a 100 incher). If either one of us wins both parts, a prize is in order. Deal? Young JEDI vs. Project Mayhem Coordinator?
Jeff and LA, you could go "first" in your respective season- day one, day two etc. I know it's kinda late, it takes me forever to type lol
Bitterman, me and Alfred are going 1st Buck, Most Inches, Recurve Only.:D (If I understood the challenge right)
I think you scared them away. LOL Remember... we still got the Malt Shake bet. You know... winner collects at Sunlac Inn where $4 buys you a half full, very small glass. Their idea of a large shake. LOL If you win... I'll chip in another $4 just so they fill the damn thing up. ROFL Tim
I'm calling out jmbuckhunter What do ya say John....I believe we are still both hunting about a friendly county battle?
I'd take your challenge but I am hoping some day you'll take me elk hunting and I don't want to spoil that!!!:D