Sounds great! Did you save my number in your phone when I texted you about my doe? I wouldn't want you not knowing who I was when I text you with a bbd message this weekend! :D
Yea i saved it, you will be getting the news of a BBD on my end when i get back on my feet in two weeks.
Jeff, I'll be your huckleberry. Any buck with traditional equipment outside our home states-P&Y gross score. Whatcha say momma's boy? Shed, I want a piece of you next year! Trev, total inches (all kills) ending Jan. 31, 2010? I hope you kick my ass! Wuss! Kodiak...teet sucker...biggest bear? Gary/ elk? Bring it, I bet I can get you one!
No. No. and by the way, did I say No? :D His horns were not as big as some banana peppers I have seen. He was shot with a compound. DQ'd from contest. etc, etc. Just yankin your chain about Huck. We all know you can't touch the fuzz on his sack Jeff.
Where do you see me talking smack? I have not seen a pic of you with a Recurve across a buck yet either Jeffy? When is that gonna happen? Huh Jeff? Huh?:p Better hurry up and use it. Season is tick-tocking away.
I have 3 tags left, so you're on! be honest, I will be tickled to death if I even fill one of those 3. I'm sitting on 259 inches currently, you? (ballpark) Is the bolded reverse psychology?!:D As for the 4 page arguement, do weapons not included in a contest disqualify you from the contest? If I went on an out of state hunt and shot a buck with my rifle, am I now not allowed to partake in the bowhunting contest? Bow contest first buck means first BOW buck, rifles bazookas and forks excluded. Recurve contest first buck means first RECURVE buck, compounds xbows rifles bazookas and forks excluded. Why was this misunderstood?
That's 3 buck tags bucko. My best shot a BIG buck is in IN, but i have yet to even see a deer from stand up there (I think they all drowned with that recent rain). Was ours whitetail only or would a mule deer count?!
Pretty hard to understand huh Trev. Might wanna season your crow as well Jeff. I already know how I like mine.
I forgot the circles involved with argueing with you, you win. I'm dumb, compound kills disqualify you from a recurve competition, and Obama is a great prez! Kyle, I forgot the original parameters, KY buck it is (my best chance at filling a tag anyway). I need to get out more to be a worthy opponent though, I can count on one hand my sits in state thus far. Likely won't be many more now until my IN runs are over. I still like my odds!