I never Defaulted on anything. I think you misunderstood that I was talking Recurve only, and I misunderstood you were talking first buck only. Like water on a duck's back to me Jeffy. I will carry on regardless. The "New" challenge is still on the table whenever you care to accept. :D
It'd be true. I was up at Rick James and he was a 3.5 but might have gone 90" with his broken main beam. Had he had 10" more, I'd slammed another Rob buck. LMAO but the year isn't over and I'm off 2 weeks in Nov so........I passed. :D
You are so full of it you stink Jeff. I have hunted "more" with the trad bow than the compound so far this season. I intend to continue to do so. As fate would have it, I was carrying the compound on that day. No problem Beckham. Carry on. Note: Not everyone wants to be just like Jeff, and go "TRAD ONLY".
That's the bent statement. No, it's just a lie in general. I have told you and others here from before season I was not ready to go all Trad for the season. I like my compound too much. No more challenges with you Jeff. Forget it. You will always try to have the last word and everyone knows that. I stated what I was out to do "with Trad gear". I am still out to do that. Just not on your terms. I misunderstood "our" challenge from the beginning. My bad.
No Jeff, you are not yet understanding. I still intend to take a buck with my Trad bow this season. It will be the 1st buck with my trad bow. I am not using a buck that was killed with a compound to compete against your (maybe?) trad bow buck. I never intended to take that type challenge. If you want, you can throw your ("maybe") trad bow kill out there to challenge someone else. I am out. (I will still post pics of "whatever" buck I take with the recurve.
I'm calling out TEAM WALMART! you know who you are! first it was the gtg miss at camp, then the stickers on my bow! so now we'll see who's talkn and who's gonna be walking with the first set of bones this fall!
No. No, I don't understand Jeff. Why don't you explain it more clearly to me. I guess you would still feel the same way if I had entered a 150" 12 point taken with my compound? Would that have been fair? No. It was trad against trad in "my mind" from the beginning. Thanks, and right back at ya.
Oh, I see. You were going off the premise all along that I would not hunt with the trad bow at all? That's funny chit right there Jeff. Funny.:D
Like I said Jeff, you are so full of chit!! Everyone here knows that.:D I thought you were wanting to have a trad only contest, compound kills not included. I thought wrong. Carry on.
Not that it is any of my business but I think I have to side with Jeff on this. Wouldn't you have attemped to kill that same buck if you had your traditional bow in hand rather than the compound? If the answer is yes then you shouldn't feel like you are getting screwed or anything right? Congrats on your first bow buck BTW
No Jeff, not all of them. Just the ones where people don't trust each other's entries. Like I said, I made a mistake on what I thought "me and you" were competing with. Not what everyone else was competing with. Rules schmules... I could care less if you had went out and shot a monster with a compound. It would still have been game-on recurve/recurve in my mind until we both had "that" success. For some reason, I feel you are crawfishing on your recurve buck confidence.:D
Actually, if you read my thread about the kill Cooter, you will note I did not even realize it was a buck until recovery. Honestly believed it was a doe. But to answer your question, yes, I would have shot it and would have scored it. (Somehow?:D) The fact of the matter is, it was "not" my recurve. I hunt with both bows. I have no apologies to make. I just misunderstood "the rules". LMAO
You know, going backwards. Lol I don't gamble Jeff. It's a sin. If you still wanna go with a little contest, let's make it fair. 1. Recurve only 2. 1st "Recurve" Buck 3. Most inches The odds are in your favor you know.:D You game for that? If not, forget it.
"Practice buck". That, ladies and gentlemen, and Jeff, IS the most hilarious thing I have ever read. Outstanding. ROFLMAO:D Jeff, just forget it dude. No harm done.
If I may address this dilema, between LA and GMMAT..I'll offer an ousiders view. First of all the language is based on Trad Kills... LA made it clear he intended to hunt with both recurve and compound. So I think the 1st buck rule is based on the language of trad kills. Jeff, is claiming default, and it does hold some degree of merit as, based on the earlier pages "as written" and replied too. However I think the premise was still on tard kills. As a footnote and perhaps the most binding point in the entire situation is: LA posted his first buck kill, this is not a small feat, and it speaks volumes as to his character as an archer and a person willing to uphold the rules of a contest. While contratulations are indeed in order for a successful hunt, I'm willing to bet more than a few would never have posted this buck for review or contest entry. If he was truly trying to "get-away" with something Jeff. you me and the world would have been in the dark about this successful hunt, now that is the kind of scenerio I'm happy to have avoided..Kudos to you Bobby. Disclaimer: I don't care what ya'll decide and it's truly none of my business, but since you brought this debate to the "public" side of the board I feel it's well within my right to respond.