Friday,November 1 started the first day of my 15 day vacation. Having daylight pictures of a good buck I had high hopes. Friday morning I saw a few smaller bucks come by and then at 10:00 I had a shooter walk by at 50 yards heading to the thicker bedding area. Knowing that he would come back out sometime towards the evening I stayed all day. Sitting all day is a tuff thing to do but I knew if I sat long enough in that area At one point he would make a mistake. Not seeing much the rest of the day it wasn’t until last light I got a glimpse of him but he was going in the other direction. The next morning I saw all the same deer as the day before except the one I was after. At around 11:30 the farmer was combining the small field across the road and I knew he would be here shortly so I decided to get out for for a bit. I came back at 3 and they were just finishing up, made small talk with Mr. farmer and was back in the stand by 3:30 My stand is in a little staging area just off of the corn field, it wasn’t long and I could see a deer on the other side of the field. I looked through my binoculars and to my amazement it is him on the tail of a doe. It was only 4:ish I lost sight of them for about 20 minutes, when I pick them out again this time they are walking the field at towards me, when she get about 50 yards in front of me she magically turns and walks right to my stand with Him about 20 feet behind. She gets to my shooting lane and stops, the buck is back in the thick stuff making all kinds a racket thrashing on a tree, grunting like crazy. Knowing he is going to follow her steps I look to range the doe and she is bedded down at 25 yard, I ready my self for the shot and take a few deep breaths. He starts her way and finally gets into the opening, I draw, settle the pin and let my arrow fly. He must have taken a few steps right at the last second because my shot was way far back. He just walks off slowly, but I’m watching through my binoculars and the blood is just pouring out of him but running down his back legs. After an hour I got down, walk to get my arrow that is stuck in the ground right at the shot and there is blood instantly. But because of the shot placement I decide not to pick up the trail until morning. And that! Morgan Freeman was the longest night of my life!!!! The next morning at first light my brother and I walked the bloody trail 150 yards to my deer.
Hell yea awesome buck and good for you sticking it out! It's tough sitting there and not seeing and having the fortitude to keep at it but man is it nice when it works out! Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Congrats! Do you think you hit a main artery or vein? Wondering why he would have bled so much if the shot was back.
Where did the arrow hit? I saw a video where a buck moved at release and the arrow hit the femoral artery in the rear leg. Deer dropped after only a few yards. My complement on your patience and tracking the deer to recover it. Worth the wait!