Hey guys/gals, be sure to check out www.buckfeverusa.com, Jim has some great prizes and hunts to give away, 25k in prizes! Check out our line of Whitetail, Elk and Bear lures. All synthetic, infinate shelf life etc. Also Vanishing Hunter scent minimization spray is extremely effective and you can even spray it as a mouth wash, its that safe. It leaves no residue behind. You can follow Buck Fever Synthetics on Facebook and You Tube as well! I have been using the BF product since it first came out, going on my 13 years this fall. When Jim asked me to join this staff it was a no brainer for me, I am passionate about whitetails and this product has been an intregal part of my tactics in arrowing big woods bucks in the mountains of Idaho. It's hands down the most consistent lure I have ever tested and tried; it never rots or breaks down do to proteins that occur in all natural urines, finally there is no chance of disease speading agents that can be transimitted through bottled urines. You literally can make mature bucks hunt you. It's the only scent/lure I have stuck with over the last 12 years due to the fact that I have never witnessed anything but positive results at my mock scrapes. Best of luck, give Buck Fever Synthetics a try, you won't be sorry. Sincerely, Troy Pottenger Buck Fever Pro Staff
Troy I will be sure to check it out because if it works like I have seen on your facebook posting I'm on it. T
Tony, good luck, if there is anything I can do to help out with application techniques shoot me an email, pm, post here or on Facebook. I will be glad to help. Thanks, Troy
here you guys/gals, that are Face Book users.. Click the link below and simply go to the win a free "SCRAPE DUO" and comment.. I WANT MY FREE BUCK FEVER .. for your chance to win a packaged combo of Buck Fever Forehead and Pre/Post rut sent right to your door .. good luck, my bucks/bulls are drilling my BF scrapes as we speak. I've been posting pics of they day over on our FB site .. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buck-Fever-Synthetics/299294507509?ref=ts
The stuff works guys!! Last year was the 1st time I've ever used It. Troy recommended that I try It and man I can't thank him enough.
I'll have to look further into this synthetic Shed. I'm currently very happy with the results I've had with the products I use.. but am always willing to break off and try something new.
troy, I just made my mock scrapes with that stuff sat. the 4th, i'm excited to check my trailcam in couple of weeks to see what kind of visitors i'm getting?
Troy... What happened as far as the owner getting his company back? Remember last year after our conversation and I called him and he said he sold out to Tink's? Is he on his own again or what? Thanks, Greg
Greg, I know nothing about Tinks ever owning it. Jim Lombardi a pro staffer for BF back in the day... bought it from the original owner Kevin "hawg" Krey's daughter Lisa. Lisa had taken over the business from Kevin, That's my understanding anyway. Jim believed in and loved the product so much as a pro staffer he didnt want to see it go away so he bought it.