MAN OH MAN O MAN I had 15 doe with their fawns under my new climber just now, 15!!! It was amazing, fantastic, awesome! I climbed the tree at 3:30, it was 68 degrees and I figured the herd was gonna come out of that thick stuff to get something different to eat. I used C'mere deer attractant and sure 'nough they came on out to it. I have never in my life had deer directly under my stand. They had no idea I there(homemade scent contol )was eyeing them up. I watched them stand up on their hind legs and box each other. I saw some of them trying to mount others. It was just awesome. They finally got far away from me to get a shot off. I couldn't make up my mind whether I wanted a little tender one or a good- sized one . I thought about those tiny little little backstraps I got from that button buck and decided on the latter. I took her @ 20 yds. I knew I hit her but because of fading light I didn't know how good I hit her. By the time I was able to get down it was dark. So, I just grabbed my bloody arrow and left. It had that "maybe I gut shot her smell to it,(dark blood lots hair)" so, I decided to come home home get my son and some flashlights and do some writing.
I hunt in Danville and, you cannot bait or attract the deer between Sept 1 and Jan. 3. Do you hunt VA?
The regs state that between Sept. 1st - Jan. 3rd you can't bait. Well, I was asking just in case you wanted to come up I could put you on some deer. bowmanaj, I'll keep everyone posted up 'til March 28th. I wish you could still hunt, too. I reckon they don't allow that in Indiana, eh? in da woods, The Urban Archery Season was created to help manage the overpopulation of whitetails in certain cities. There have been a lot of (car)accidents and property damage caused by these deer so, they need the herd thinned. I'm glad to help with the problem. I can hunt all the way to the 28th but, I probably won't go out but a couple more times. I killvested 5 bucks this year, all with the bow and, I just want to get a doe to get my limit of 6.