Well hung to new sets this afternoon!!! Had 1400 pics in 5 days! No way my little brother shouldn't stick is first deer this year!!! anthonyzink - Bowhunting.com Forums(2674185) on Vimeo anthonyzink - Bowhunting.com Forums(2674185) on Vimeo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
maybe pictures are more clear using tapatalk instead of the original app? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is this pic good for everyone. We have 2 young boys. I was hoping that this is what we were talking about when we went with Bros B4 Does. This is one of our favorite movies. The pic in the next post is a little bigger. I tried to delete this one but AZ liked it before I could delete it.
Alright guys what is something that you have forgotten on a big hunting trip? Or what is a must have? I want to make sure I am not forgetting anything before we head out Wednesday to Colorado. I've gone through my list a few times already. We will be tenting it in the mountains, DIY hunt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My range finder is always hard to keep track of. I don't know why. I think it is because of trying to make sure the battery don't go bad in it.
This is what I have. I've had to add some apps to the tablet to get it to work. Let me know what you think.
Bringing mine but I highly doubt that we will have any reception where we are going Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I keep mine strapped onto my bow string so if I forget my release I have bigger problems lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey don't know if any of you guys enjoy swapping numbers for texting through out the season but if you do I'll PM my number to you guys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was off the grid for a few days on a fishing trip. I should say a boating trip because we didn't catch anything worth talking about. Bros B4 Does sounds great to me, foodplot19 will be a great captain! I possess no creative skills whatsoever so I'm down with pretty much anything for a avatar. Those are some great looking bucks that you guys are posting! My cameras are ready to go but not in the woods yet this year, too damn busy. I'll put them up when I go out for my first sit in a couple weeks. With the lack of mature bucks the last few years I won't get too serious about hunting until we get close to the rut and we start getting some travelers moving through the farms. Hopefully I can get a doe close early.