Good news is that the deer are thicker than I thought at our place. Maybe it is the amount of Bur Oaks with acorns this year.
That's always a plus!!! I think this year is also a better year for me at my places because I've seen 5 deer in 3 sits so far this year and I seen maybe 20 deer all year last year! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We've had another good week guys. Let's keep on goin'! Good luck to all of you that will be able to make it out this week. Next Sunday will be my next chance.
The bucks are moving now, I got this guy on camera and have never seen him before. My land I live on is the bedding area for does and about this time I start getting pics of bucks, then come December they disappear again so will be starting to hunt more now.
acorns are really falling now. Deer patterns have changed. usually get about 2000 pics in a week this week 800
Just left class, At the local bar grabbing a quick bite to eat then running to the stand to lay the smack down Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I plan to get out one night this week and hopefully once this weekend. I travel a few days next week for work and the following week I go to South Dakota for a pheasant hunting trip for 4 days. I'd really like to get a doe/button buck down before I leave next week. Once I'm back from those trips I'll be all in on deer hunting through the rut.
I plan on being out in the blind friday after work. But I gonna be in coyote hunting mode! My luck I see the big buck.. but we need to get rid of some of these rodents
Hate these damn coons.. About to put a bag of corn over a few pounds of tannerite and wait Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll trade ya... I'd take coons over these coyotes any day.. coons don't hurt the deer hunting like coyotes..
I decided to run out to the farm after work and sit a couple of hours... hope to see a coyote! Pretty warm here 72° with a light breeze. Quiet