Yep she comes through it well AZ! She'll feel better after that, my brother had them done when he was mighty young as well. After he had them put in, everything cleared up.
No report this past weekend for me fellas. I stayed home with my girls this weekend. We went and watched some bluegrass on Saturday and just had a good family day on Sunday. I've been working late the past couple weeks so the weekend is really the only time I have time to spend a good amount of time with my girls. I'm hoping work will ease up in the next couple weeks. I plan to take a week off the first week of November to use as a stress reliever and make some all day sits and also hunt with my wife. I'll keep checkin in boys! In the meantime, I can keep yall occupied with a picture of my little girl, who decided she wanted to take her first steps yesterday. She's learning fast so she can get in the woods with mom and me!
Hope all went well with your daughter Anthony. Kids are troopers and can handle way more than we can.
Excited to head down to the cabin Friday night! Actually going to grab some furniture for my new place but also going to check my two trail cams for the first time in 3 months and going to hunt Saturday too... Hoping the cams are still working good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Also putting a new head on the corn feeder that the damn coons chewed apart Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Them dang things need to be thinned out here as well. If I ever catch one near the chickens it is on!
I can definitely think of something I'd rather have in October. Hurricane and Tornado are not the top 2.
I wouldn't worry AZ. It only covers the an area from Nebraska south to Wichita and from Salina to Emporia. Just about 1/3rd of the state.
Yeah, my phone just informed me of the same here. The good news is that as this system clears Friday morning I'm going to be climbing into a stand for an all day hunt. I need to put some meat in the freezer! If it's brown it's down. The Fergie Clause might be in play.
I'm back in the stand Friday! If I see coyotes again, I'm gonna put the bow aside and do some predator control..
Quote Originally Posted by bowhunt4abuck View Post Even if we don't win? Your lucky Jeeps don't call for a vote to have you kicked off the team with that negative attitude!!!! Of course we will win!!! Well, I'm not trying to be a negative Nancy but I saw what could happen when that guy killed that 160 + deer. It would only take 2 of those to be better than like 6 does. I just think if a team gets on a roll they could flip this thing around real quick. I'm still positive we will win because of how we started. Just snooping on other teams post when I found this above post. I'm the worlds worst about being competitive. I know this game is all in fun but I want to win!! I was raised that 2nd place is the first looser. I'm not in to participation trophies. In my opinion that doesn't teach anyone to strive to be better. I think we have a great group of guys that I now call friends. This is the best team I've been a part of. Everyone gets along from what I can tell and I know we are all in good places to put some numbers up. I've seen your guys pic's so I know we have the chance. A wise man once told me that there is no such thing as luck. I believe luck is defined by when preparation meets opportunity. I've seen what you guys have been doing. I believe we have prepared as much as any other bunch out there. Most of the numbers that have been put up by other teams are due to their seasons starting earlier than all of ours. I have 3 weeks vacation left along with 5 Holidays between now and the end of the season. We also were drawn for a managed hunt at a county park that is located in the service territory of the company I work for. So, with all that said and in the words of my boys favorite transformer, Optimist Prime, LET'S ROLL!!
If you think about it, It literally takes one day in the first week of November for anyone's season to change. all of us get in the stand for the rut we could rack up some major points Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Foodplot I love the passion! I've been part of a team that won this thing before and there are really 2 things that have to happen... Everyone shoots a doe, and everyone gets out during the rut and hunt hard. The bucks will fall, they don't even have to be giants. This is a great group of guys that seem to be pretty engaged, that is half the battle.