Should be back at it tonight but my boss at the farm called and needed some help! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wasn't going to type it all on the phone. I had as many as 8 does/fawns in the plot with me at one time. The problem was one of the does was over near the fence just north of me acting like a bird dog on point. There was "something" in the fence row that she didn't like. This went on for 30 minutes. The rest of the does/fawns were feeding near her but didn't care near as much about the ghost in the fence as she did. Needless to say they didn't get closer than 50 yds to me. There are a few trees btw them and the tree I'm in. Busy after work the next couple of days. We'll see what the weekend brings. Good Luck guys!!
I have been out a couple times so far but haven't seen anything at all yet. Both farms I've sat have lots of corn this year so until that corn comes out I probably won't see much. I expect one farm to be picked this week, the other will probably be 2-3 weeks yet. I plan on hunting Saturday morning, not sure I'll get out other than that this weekend.