Been in the stand for 45 minutes and just realized I never put my release on!!! Oh man I would have been heated haha but hopefully I can connect on a doe.... All I've been seeing is bucks haha not as terrible as it sounds I know Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We drove by my in-laws on the way home tonight from my folks house just to see if anything was hanging out there. We found 4 does, 3 fawns, and a nice 2 1/2 year old 8 ptr. Coolest it has been in weeks here. Going to try to get out one night after work this week. All the deer we seen were under the Pin Oak trees wolfing down acorns. It's pretty handy, the deer can come across the food plot to get to the Pin Oaks. I'm in the Mulberry tree btw the 2 places.
I had an exciting hunt last night. We had a 15 degree drop in temp highs from Saturday to Sunday and it made hunting great yesterday. I hunted a blind over beans yesterday and I was initially worried that now the acorns are dropping that I would see little deer movement. I live in Nc and we have a lot of white oaks. Deer can literally eat in their beds. As the afternoon was closing down I saw my first deer of the season, a nanny doe. She was on edge at about 60 yards and came in and out of the woods 2 or 3 times. At 7 I look across the field and boom, deer! It looked like there was limbs on his head so I was a little confused at first, until I pulled my binos up and saw it was a dandy of a buck. He probably only scores around 105 or so but I'm pretty sure he's a buck my wife named slingshot his main beam and g2 make a "Y" or look like a slingshot. He's a 3 year old and has decent mass throughout his antlers. He's an 8 point but has little crab claws for g3s. Also about 17" wide. A solid looking buck for my first solid bow buck. He and 2 more 6 pointers milled around at 60 yards for 20 minutes, which at this point it was to dark to shoot. They eventually walked behind a tree thicket in the middle of our field and I took that opportunity to sneak out. Boy was I pumped! My 3rd biggest buck that I've seen while sitting. The other 2 are on my wall haha. I made my mind up that I will let him walk if he gives me an opportunity to shoot. It's hard to come by a 4 and 5 year old deer in my parts but they definitely won't get there if I don't pass. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Porky is back. this guy has no idea what time he wants to come in. I'm gonna have a hell of a time dropping him. My lovely lady's get there buffet on This is Banjo n Deliverance. banjo is the 3 point. I will show a few more of Deliverance here. these are twins from last year. they never leave each others sides.
Jealous of you guys out hunting I can make it tell maybe tomorrow evening Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wow.. Another crazy hunt, saw 9 doe in the field and on the way out tried to stalk one at dark and get within 10 yards but another deer out of nowhere had no idea it was there snorted and they all ran off... But I checked my trail cam... And that buck I was at full draw with yesterday came back this morning... Here he is Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Funny thing is... A main frame 12 point showed up too and is far away in the picture but he looks even bigger Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk